Twitch Game Engine Plugins Closed Beta Application
Thank you for your interest in beta testing the upcoming Twitch Game Engine Plugins & SDK (Codenamed Route 66). These plugins are being tested in a closed beta and is not intended for distribution in a production game client due to potential changes until its general availability.

The beta period is active as of January 5, 2022 and will continue until the announcement for general availability.

Documentation will be provided for participants accepted to the closed beta.

Feedback can be provided via the following UserVoice forum:
Full name *
Company name *
Client ID *
The Game Engine Plugins rely on EventSub Websockets, and Access to EventSub WebSockets will be controlled by a client id allowlist. Please let us know which of your Twitch applications you would like to use for testing. If you need to create one, it can be done in the developer console at
Game title
If applicable, please include the name of the game you are evaluating adding Twitch features to.
Please select any of the following you plan on evaluating *
Github username *
The Engine Plugins and documentation will be shared via a private Github repository.
Email address associated with your Twitch account *
Invites will be sent to a private UserVoice forum for you to provide feedback on your development experience, and additional features you would like to see.
I acknowledge that my use of this product during the beta testing period is specifically for testing and feedback purposes. Twitch cannot guarantee stability or consistency until the product becomes generally available. *
I acknowledge that the application I am providing is not guaranteed early access to the Twitch Game Engine Plugins, and that applications will not be reviewed until January 2022. Depending on application volume, system stability, and beta testing traffic, acceptance into the program may take several weeks or even months. Applications are reviewed in the order they are submitted. *
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